Thursday, 5 March 2009


The many demands of life have forced a change to the 100 Free Movie Blog. For some time, I have been contemplating closing it down and moving on. The reason for this was that it was taking some time to maintain, my blog entries falling well behind the number of movies I've watched (I think I am about eight behind at the moment). The Oscar series was a hard slog, that was for sure, and keeping the blog relatively up to date was taking time away from other things, including the novel that I am feverishly working on.

I recently read that blogging, Facebooking, Twittering and all that is all well and good but if it's taking away time from actually doing some novel writing, it should be canned. So that was what I had planned to do.

The thing is, I've loved cataloguing the movies I've watched this year, using my free movie voucher from Cineworld. I loved seeing the finished blogs with the eye catching posters. I loved watching the list on the right hand side (slowly) grow, loved perusing back through the movies I have seen.

During this aforementioned perusal, I happened across the first two movies I saw with my voucher, The Orphanage and [REC]. I noticed that the reviews were quick and to the point. Compare them to The Dark Knight and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and you can see the difference, how my reviews have grown in size. I had loads to say about those latter movies, but did I have that much more to say then compared to The Orphanage? Maybe a little more, but not five paragraphs more.

So in order to keep the blog alive, I am going to revert back to how I began - short, sharp reviews with lovely large movie posters. That way, I'll be able to keep the blog going without my other writing suffering.

Moving on from that decision, the blog will include two different posts over the next month: a combination of "Catch Up" movies seen long before the Oscars started but not yet included in the 100, and newer releases, of which two I will be seeing this weekend if I meet my writing goals.

So I'm hear to stay, albeit in reduced form, so your comments would be appreciated to beef up the blog. I've also got some news that I have been holding back since late December; news that will no doubt be the death of me.

Keep watching for more soon!


Farinelli said...

Come on Daryl, I love reading your Blog!!! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Watch Free Movies through online from, it has more channels which is really great.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing this information,it is really needful.

Daryl said...

Thanks Tragic! Your comment and two spam entries have convinced me to continue!!