Good reviews and a promising trailer suggested that this re-envisioning by J. J. Abrams would be entertaining. Also, a hangover ruled out anything too taxing on the noggin.
I've never been a Trekkie; I'm more of a Star Wars fan. I've tried to watch some of the movies and a couple of the TV episodes but I could never get into the whole Star Trek thing. The later series, Next Generation, etc, did nothing to generate interest either. Nah, definitely Star Wars for me, through and through.
That said, there's a chink in my anti-Star Trek armour after last night. I enjoyed this new version of Star Trek, using the original (and best) characters, made with flair and skill by director J. J. Abrams of Lost and MI:3 fame. In fact, I loved it. Excellent fast moving storyline (not the "by the numbers" plot my hangover was hoping for), likeable characters and amazing special effects. Not being a Trekkie, I can't say for certain whether this movie was faithful to the original but I got the impression that it was. The cheers and the clapping as the credits rolled seemed genuine and were a good sign of approval.
The humour in the movie surprised me and it's entertaining humour, especially in the scenes with Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto) and, of course, Scotty (Simon Pegg). There are plenty of nods to the old series too, including a cameo that does not come off as a hastily inserted publicity stunt at all; in fact, it fits into the storyline superbly, the first appearance of the character giving me one of my laugh out loud moments.
But this is not all laughs and nostalgia - the action and tension is ramped up with brilliant space battle scenes and entertaining hand to hand combats. And Bana is brilliant as the Romulan baddie - like Chopper Reed, but with ears.
The movie's best moments, in my opinion, are when Spock is on the screen. Quinto does an amazing job at nailing this role and bringing a darker side to the much loved character - an absolute joy to watch. Let's hope they keep him on.
I won't say I've been converted to the Trek side of science fiction, but if Abrams continues to champion this new vision, I'm definitely on board for future instalments.
Would I pay to see it?
Definitely - a must see on the big screen.
8 out of 10
Post Movie Quote:
"Brilliant! Even with a hangover. Live long and prosper."
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