Wednesday 28 May 2008

Best Free Movie Of The Year - Nomination - Month #1

In the fourth week of April 2009, I will be picking my favourite movie from the 100 seen during my year of free cinema. I expect that there will be numerous contenders for the crown, so in order to make it easier on myself (and make up the numbers re: blog entries), I will select the best movie I've seen each month and thus nominating them for the coveted award of BEST FREE MOVIE OF THE YEAR.

During Month 1 (constituting April 21 to May 20), I saw four movies, well below the average of 8 1/3 movies a month required to hit the big 100. A slow month for sure, but there wasn't a dud amongst them - quality, not quantity, is what I'm talking about.

All four movies had me leaving the cinema thinking - they made an impression. Some more than others and all in their own special way.

However, without further ado, I announce the first nomination for Best Free Movie Of The Year:

This was the first movie I saw with my Cineworld free movie card, so it has some nostalgic significance, but it is also the pick of the bunch - a frightening but ultimately moving horror story delivered perfectly and with heart - a true contender for the BFMOTY.

On to Month 2!

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